Silver Lamp for Eat This in Dutch Creativity Awards

First horticultural project to win this prestigious award

We’re very proud to announce that Eat This has won a Silver Lamp in the Dutch Creativity Awards in the category ‘spatial’ for our Tomatoes on Fifth Avenue project, created by creative agency Roorda and NethWork (the driving force behind Eat This). 

It is great to see this project being awarded. Not only because it is the first time ever that a horticultural project is nominated twice (we were also nominated in the ‘covid’ category) for these prestigious awards, but also it acknowledges the project’s success in inspiring the public by bringing the countryside to the city, growing tomatoes on New York’s fifth avenue in a sustainable food production unit.

Inside this unit was David Litvin, the so-called Tomato Man, an indoor crop specialist from 80Acres Farms, who was tirelessly demonstrating and educating passers-by about the possibilities of horticulture and the future of food.

Our project was directly connected to the Guggenheim ‘Countryside, the future’ exhibition by world famous architect Rem Koolhaas. Not long after the opening of the exhibition, covid19 hit, pressing the need for sustainable, healthy and locally produced food even more. 

Click on the video below to get an impression on the project and what happened right before and after covid19 hit New York.

(Article continues below the video)

Being awarded the Silver Lamp is a great recognition for our project and all the partners that contributed to its success. 

Thank you:
80 Acres Farms
Infinite Acres
Koppert Biological Systems
Metazet Formflex
Hortilux Schreder
Rijk Zwaan
Sugar Rush Films
and everyone else who contributed to this project.

If you’re interested to receive more information about Eat This, please contact Renee Snijders or Ed Smit.